Simplify the applicant experience with Apply Links, unique URLs that allow candidates to start their background screening. Each link is tied to specific screening packages and automatically assigns cases to the requestor.
Step-by-step instructions:
- Open the main navigation panel and select Settings.
- Click on Apply links to view your current list of active and deactivated links.
- Select New apply link to open the creation form, name the link, assign it to a group, select a billing package, and add an optional message for applicants before finalizing the link.
- You are now able to add this static application link to your applicant emails or application pages for a branded experience.
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Product features:
- Creating Links: Generate static application links tied to specific screening packages, enabling you to add this link to your applicant emails or application pages for a branded experience.
- Editing Links: Modify the package name, associated tags, or other details as needed.
- Deactivating or Reactivating Links: Temporarily disable or restore Apply Links for future use.
- Requester Notifications: The creator of the link receives notifications on all submitted applications, keeping them up to date on candidate progress.
- Applicant Experience: Once applicants click the link, they enter the Applicant Portal to complete their background check and provide consents related to the assigned screening package.