View all the checks you’ve issued to an applicant from their applicant profile in CertnCentric.
Applicant profiles are only created when an applicant submits their information by completing the application invite, not at the time a case is ordered for an applicant.
In this article
Access an applicant’s profile
To access an applicant’s profile page:
- select Profiles from CertnCentric's navigation,
- select the name of the applicant whose profile you want to view.
Select the Group button to filter displayed applicant profiles based on the group to which they are associated. Learn more about groups in our Groups Certn Help article.
Applicants cannot access their applicant profile at this time.
Applicant profile details
Only applicant information related to groups to which you are assigned will be visible in the applicant profile. Learn more about groups in our Groups Certn Help article.
An applicant profile will display the applicant’s name, email, and the date of the last case ordered for them. Select the email to start an email to the applicant through your device’s email application.
The About section lists the groups associated with the profile and the check types ordered for the applicant across their cases.
Any cases which your user role has access to will be listed in the Background checks section. Select a case to expand the information card and see:
- a list of checks issued as part of that case,
- the position or property location, and
- any listed co-applicants and guarantors.
Select View case to view the case’s case details page for more detailed information.