Your monthly update on Certn’s newest releases. Here's what you'll see in the new platform this month.
Applicant Profiles
Stop chasing background screening results throughout an employee's tenure. Get applicant information at a glance with new Profiles.
- See the applicant's associated cases and checks with real-time status updates.
- Access the applicant's case reports directly from the applicant profile.
- Find applicants quickly in the profile table view with new search, sort, and filter capabilities.
An applicant profile is created using their email and you’ll only see profiles for applicants within your accessible groups.
Manage Users Seamlessly
Say hello to seamless user management! Admins and Managers now have the power to create, modify, deactivate, and reactivate users directly within the platform—no need to call Support:
- Assign roles such as Admin, Manager, Contributor, or Billing to tailor permissions to your organizational structure.
- Enjoy complete autonomy to manage user accounts and permissions in real time.
- Changes to user accounts and permissions are immediate and hassle-free.
Note: Users cannot change their own roles; this can only be done by another administrator.
Customize Case Tags
Keep your cases organized and accessible with custom tags. Whether it’s by team, department, or salary, custom tags let you streamline your screening process like never before:
- Create custom tags during the ordering flow or in the Tag Settings.
- Organize, deactivate, or reactivate your tags in the Tag Settings.
- Easily filter and search for applicant cases by tag on the Group Overview page.
All users have access to create, edit, deactivate, and reactivate tags.
Organize Cases by Group
Manage multiple Groups to match teams or regions within your organization, providing better control over screening portfolios.
- Find ordered cases organized in your Groups in the left-hand navigation of the new platform.
- Select the group you want to associate cases with during the ordering flow. A case must be associated with a group.
- Each group can have its own settings, users, and permissions, providing a more organization.
Currently, Groups can only be managed by Certn Support. Please contact for assistance in organizing your Groups.