Learn about billing, invoices, and payments for the Certn background checks you order.
In this article
Billing profile
Your billing profile allows you to control your account’s billing information. Your account requires at least one billing profile, which is setup when your account is created on CertnCentric. You can have multiple billing profiles associated with your account as needed.
Billing profiles house the following pieces of billing information:
- billing profile name,
- billing address details,
- relevant tax information, and
- billing contact information.
Each billing profile must have at least one group assigned to it and may have multiple groups assigned to it. A billing profile with multiple groups assigned to it will consolidate all billable items ordered through those groups into a single invoice.
For more information on groups, see our Groups Certn help article.
Your invoice
Your invoices and anonymized usage reports will be emailed to your billing profiles’ listed billing contacts on the first of each month.
If you need to review your report with personally identifiable information (PII) or adjust your billing profiles’ billing contacts, reach out to our billing team at billing@certn.co.
Check invoicing
Check costs will be added to your next invoice once the case they are associated with has been completed or cancelled. Depending on when all the checks in a case are completed, a case’s checks may not be billed for up to a month after the case has closed.
For example, a case has 2 checks ordered on January 29. If both checks are completed before February 1, they will appear on the invoice issued on February 1.
If the same case has one check completed prior to February 1, and the other completed on February 1, then both checks will appear on the invoice issued on March 1.
Any checks which have been cancelled prior to any cost being incurred by Certn will not be charged on your invoice. If a check is cancelled after Certn has already incurred a cost for running the check, it will still be charged on your invoice.
Your invoice will include a complete list of checks, their price, and any associated costs such as applicable taxes.
Taxes are calculated and charged based on the address of the Group associated with the check that was run.
Pay your invoice
Pay your invoice by following the instructions at the bottom of your invoice. Invoices must be paid within 30 days of receipt.