Looking for answers? We're happy to help.
This page will help you find support that works for you.
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Browse our help articles
Is your question answered by one of our help articles? Visit Help Center home to browse and search our articles to find the answers you need, fast. You can also search for articles using our Certn Support livechat.
Contact our Support team
Can't find a help article to answer your question? Reach out to our Support team for help. Live support is available seven days a week, including holidays, from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. PST / 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. EST.
Chat with us
You can start a live chat with us while logged in to Certn's new platform.
- To begin, select the chat icon in the bottom left corner of the page.
- Type your question or keywords and press Enter on your keyboard.
Tip: Use specific words related to the topic you need help with (don't just type greetings like hi or hello). Being specific allows the Certn Support bot to suggest relevant articles.
- Check the articles we recommend—one may answer your question! Select an article to view it.
- If you still want to chat with our Support team, select "No, I would like to talk to a human."
Call or email us
You can call us to request support by telephone, and we'll call you back. Or, you can correspond with us by email. To help us respond promptly, reach out via the support type most suited to your question:
Support Type | Telephone | |
Billing Support
n/a | |
General Support
+1 844-987-0690 | support@certn.co |
US Support
+1 844-323-7869 | |
Australia Support
+61 1800 319 571 | |
United Kingdom (UK) Support
+44 808 164 9556 |