When a OneID check is complete, you can view the results from the Case Details page by selecting Cases from the menu and selecting the relevant case from the list. The information in the report is populated as the checks in the case are completed.
Learn more about OneID checks in our OneID checks or OneID dependencies Certn Help articles.
In this article
Explanation of results
When you order a OneID check on its own, there are three possible outcomes:
- Verified: Applicant’s identity information was successfully verified.
- Discrepancy: The verified OneID details do not exactly match the information provided by the applicant. For example a middle name was provided on the application but the ID document such as a driver’s license only has a middle initial.
- Unable to verify: Applicant’s identity information could not be verified. This could occur if the identity document provided has expired or for a variety of other reasons.
Note: The result of OneID may impact other checks in a case if there is a dependency. If a OneID check returns a result of Unable to Verify, checks with a hard dependency on ID verification will be cancelled. For more information review the OneID dependencies Certn Help article.
Next steps
Once a OneID check has a result of Verified, Discrepancy or Unable to verify, the check is complete. Review the check results from the Case Details page by selecting the case under the My tasks section.
If the result is Unable to Verify, you'll need to issue a new case to the applicant through OneID. Review the initial report before the applicant completes the next application. The Recommendations for Successful Verification section of the report offers guidance to help the applicant successfully complete their next application.
Once you’ve reviewed the results of the OneID check and any other checks in the case, you can record your decision concerning the case. See the Manage your cases Certn Help article for more information.